Unpacking White Privilege Resources

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This space has been created for social justice advocates and attendees of “Unpacking White Privilege in Schools and Classrooms” as a forum for sharing experiences and reflections as they work through these resources. On this page, we invite and encourage you to share your experiences and reflections, ideas and insights and engage with others in a safe, meaningful, substantive, and bold conversations on race.

While these resources are intended to offer a foundation on the subject of white privilege, our list is not intended to be exhaustive and we welcome suggestions to other potential resources.

With our next event on January 20th, 2018 titled “Unpacking White Privilege in Schools and Classrooms” along with both the provided and suggested resources on this page, we hope readers will (re)commit to becoming an ally in the pursuit of racial equity.

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Ilsa Govan, Fran Davidson, Nnenna Odim

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Readings and Videos

Intersectionality: Young and Black but Male and Privileged? 
By, Michael Browne (2018)

It’s Not the Culture of Poverty, It’s the Poverty of Culture: The Problem with Teacher Education
By, Gloria Ladson-Billings (2004)

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
By Peggy McIntosh (1989)

How America’s Public Schools Keep Kids In Poverty
By Kandice Sumner (2015) (Video)

Explaining White Privilege To A Broke White Person
By Gina Crosley-Corcoran (2014)

What we do, and what we say matters! 
By Michael Browne (2017)

The Four Personae of Racism: Educators’ (Mis)Understanding of Individual Vs. Systemic Racism
By Evelyn Y. Young (2011)
(A study that suggests that educators believed that they were engaged in social justice work, but many of them were missing a critical element of their practice).

Excerpt from Privilege, Power and Difference
By Allan G. Johnson (2001)

A Library of Culturally Relevant Resources
By Cultures Connecting (2016) (Ilsa Govan from Cultures Connecting is the morning presenter for the January 20th event)

Fostering Inclusion in the Classroom
By Shalla Sayed (2017)

Freedom’s Ring is Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, animated. Here you can compare the written and spoken speech, explore multimedia images, listen to movement activists, and uncover historical context.
By Stanford University

Speaking in Tongues
By Jill (2017)

How To Talk About Privilege To Someone Who Doesn’t Know What That Is
By Jamie Utt (2012)

In the spirit of dialogue, and practicing the Reggio Emilia value of “learning in relationship,” we invite you to delve into deeper thinking and conversation about this event by sharing your thoughts, questions, or comments below!

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