Enterprise Talk – Pre Event Dialogue
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Remember growing up and saying “I will never do that to my child!” Fast forward years later and in mid-sentence you pause, as you realize you are repeating the same lines the adult in your life used to say to you as a child. In order to be the best parents or teachers we can be, we have to be in touch with our past. Will it happen overnight? Probably not. It has to be intentionally built each and every hour! Get ready for…
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No Questions. No Directions. No Praise.
Crazy right?
For so long, we have been taught, either directly in training or indirectly from our own past experiences as children, that children learn when the adults in their lives tell them what to do. We ask questions like “Does your coat go there?” and give directions like “Say please when you ask for something,” as a way to elicit the desired behavior from children. And when they behave “correctly” we give them praise in order to reinforce this desired behavior. But what if learning, and specifically learning initiative, self-confidence and ingenuity were better fostered without any of this at all? What if allowing children the opportunity to develop these attributes by experiencing their own intrinsic value and reward will actually work, and work much more effectively at that.
There’s nothing quite as powerful as seeing a child in school or at home, transcend the traditional dominance adults have over them and flourish as a vibrant, resourceful and motivated member of the community or family. And as adults, there is nothing more rewarding than feeling the authenticity and integrity when you show up as the human being, parent, or educator you most want to be for children. It is one thing to change our old and perhaps even detrimental habits of directly and controlling children when children are playing joyfully. It is an even trickier feat to sustain these changes during stressful times. So the question is…
What would a classroom or a home environment look and feel like if an educator / parent never gave directions? In what ways would this benefit the children?
In the spirit of dialogue, and practicing the Reggio Emilia value of “learning in relationship,” we invite you to delve into deeper thinking and conversation about this event by sharing your thoughts, questions, or comments below!
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